#guentheradventures Bucket List

#guentheradventures Bucket List

1. Designing an imaginary treehouse

2. Making a map including a bird's eye view map
    My Room
    My House
    My State
    My World

3. Playing nature bingo

4. Finish the picture

5. Made magazine art

6. Reflect on my journey journal

7. Two Trees 
    Sit outside or walk around for a few minutes looking at the area around you. Find a spot to sit or a table. With some paper, crayons, (maybe a camera?) compare two trees. Different? Same? Height? Color?

8. Leaf Tracing
    Find some leaves! Try to find a leaf the same size as your fist and trace it. Inside write about you (or in our case just your name).

9. Smallest to Tallest
    Sit outside or walk around for a few minutes looking at the area around you. Draw the smallest thing you see. Draw the tallest thing you see.

10. Hedgehogs (Completed 11-2020)
    Get brown paper and cut out a rough shape of a hedgehog. Find some leaves! Glue them onto the hedge hog to give him his "shell type" back. Use googily eyes or markers to finish the face.

11. Clouds
    Lay outside on a blanket. Look up at the clouds! What do you see? Document it in your field journal with a blue crayon.

Think of something we should add?! Comment below!
