Cincinnati Nature Center, “Happiness and hiking go hand in hand or foot in boot.” (Diane Spicer) This park was highly recommended and I will make another trip back.
Rowe Woods have trails that go through forest, fields, streams, ponds and wetlands. It covers an area of 1,016 acres (including 65 acres of old growth forest) and offers more than 14 miles of hiking trails.
For this trip we visited the "Edge Trail" which is a .7 mile long loop. On the shorter end for the boys. B wanted to be the map reader for the day and E instantly found a walking stick, so off we went. It was a busier park than we are used to and we were constantly around people going both ways on the trail. Luckily, most of the trails were pretty wide which made passing easy. Without a map in your hand you have no idea the trail name or the length, there was not a "map" stand at the beginning of the trail, just well marked trail markers to show you are going the right direction on your hike. We decided to play a game of iSpy on our hike, do you want to play?
Let's play iSpy.. what do you see?
A frog!
A frog!
We had a lot of fun with our iSpy game.. not pictured, but E wanted me to mention included a tiny "baby frog" we saw hopping along the path and another pond of turtles swimming around. This was a place that was suggested by many not only because of the trails, but they also have a nature playground - which features a creek and other natural areas to play.
On some trails it feels like a game of iSpy and 20 questions... where did the shell come from?
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